Kent German

1) Name:  Kent German

2) Lives in: Tower Bridge area of London

3) From: Los Angeles, California (USA)

4) Occupation/employer: Journalist for CNET

5) First three jobs (ever!): 

  • Restaurant host
  • Frozen yogurt server
  • Jungle Cruise skipper at Disneyland

6) Zodiac sign:  Capricorn

7) Enneagram number:  Type 1, the Perfectionist/Reformer

8) What you love about Athens or Greece in general

I immediately fell for Greece when I first visited 20 years ago and have returned on six more trips. Few experiences in Europe are better than watching the sunset during a Greek summer while enjoying a bottle of Greek wine. I love so many things about Greece: the warm and welcoming people, the thousands of years of history, the scenery, the blue water of the Aegean and the food. The food just may be my favorite!

9)  Tell us something most people don’t know about you

I collect airline safety cards.

10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?

Ultimate Cocktail Party

11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)?

In San Francisco at one of Lynn’s classes. I don’t remember when, but it was quite a few years ago.

12) Anything else you’d like us to know?

There’s a strong possibility I can recite every line of dialogue from the film Airplane!

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