Maria Panagiotidou

1) Name: Maria Panagiotidou

2) Lives in: Athens

3) From: Thessaloniki,Greece

4) Occupation/employer: Complex Communications & Reservations Manager, Hotel Grande Bretagne & King George

5) First three jobs (ever!): Receptionist at the Hotel Grande Bretagne, then Reservations Agent and then Reservations Supervisor, I’ve been working for this hotel for 14 years!

6) Zodiac sign: Leo

7) Enneagram Type: Type 1, the Perfectionist/Reformer

8) What you love about Athens? Athens is a lively city with nice vibes which makes me stay active, plus Athens has easy access to the most Greek Islands for weekend getaways during summer.

9) Something most people don’t know about you: I am big fan of Thermal Baths,especially during winter time…

10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: SUP Yoga, Night Yoga, Enneagram Pannels.

11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)?  It was about a year ago when I tried SUP Yoga with Lynn at Alimos.

12) Anything else you’d like us to know?  Give SUP Yoga a Try!  The first time for me was a challenge,if you think that the board is your mat..but was also fascinating!  Doing yoga on the sea is beautiful and fun, between breathing fresh air and enjoying the water, sun and the natural landscape–it beats just about anything else out there! And Greece is for sure the ideal place for exercising SUP Yoga!

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