Martin Quigley

Name: Martin Quigley

Lives in: Dublin, Ireland

From: Dublin, Ireland again!

Occupation: I facilitate individuals and teams to understand themselves and others through the Enneagram personality model. I train other professionals to apply the model in their own practices. I have written a book on my approach to this topic, “More than a number.”

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!):
Office Cleaner, Dublin
Restaurant Bus Boy, Boston USA
Railway Porter, Dublin

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Enneagram type: I have patterns of 9.

What do you love about Greece: I was only in Greece once with my family on a summer holiday when we stayed in Crete for two weeks. I loved the sea, sunshine and food. As philosophy was one of my subjects in college I was familiar with the ancient Greek philosophers and having met Lynn through Enneagram trainings, I do get a sense of the magic of Greece.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I’m not ambidextrous but I do some things left-handed but other activities I do right-handed.

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s  community? In the bar after an Enneagram conference, probably chatting with Lynn.

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? 2019 in Portugal,  when Lynn tried to get me to breath properly.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Vote for people who commit to improving the planet.

Anything else you’d like us to know?  I just published a book called “More than a Number.” The book is both a source of information and a workbook to guide you through the Enneagram model.  My hope is that coaches, therapists, counselors and other professionals who work with people will find this book an invaluable resource and support.