Phyllis Jordan

Name: Phyllis Jordan

Lives in: I live in Castlebar in County Mayo in the West of Ireland.

From: I grew up in this area of Ireland. It is about 45 minutes drive from my current home to my place of origin.

Occupation: My day job is in speech and language therapy with the health service. Most of my work is in the area of Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder. I work mainly with school aged children and do a lot of work with the support teachers.

Outside of this work I love facilitating Enneagram groups – either via zoom or in-person. I have trained as a Spiritual Guide and as a Kairos energy healer. I love the wisdom of the Enneagram and have a deep sense of its value as a spiritual tool.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): A shop assistant in a giftware shop, then as a piano teacher, and then as a shop assistant in a bicycle shop

Zodiac sign: Cusp of Cancer and Leo.

Enneagram type: I lead with Type 6.

What do you love about Greece: Oh I would love to visit!

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: My name is Mary Philomena…….

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Learn to live more simply and closer to nature.

Anything else you’d like us to know?: I have very happy memories of meeting Lynn on the professional Enneagram training in the UK.

I would like to invite you all to my Enneagram panel series online. These panels are once a month at 21:30 Greece/19:30 UK time.  Lynn will be a panelist on Monday, December 12th.  🙂