Cindy Leong

Name: Cindy Leong

Lives in: Singapore

From: Singapore

Occupation: I’m the founder of The Enneagram Academy and Relationship Studio, I’m an Enneagram Trainer and Relationship Coach

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!):
Events Planner
Conference Organiser
Wedding Planner

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Enneagram type: Type 3 Achiever with a Type 4 wing

What do you love about Greece?
I love the Greek islands, there are so many, and they are so pretty! I also love the stories and Greek mythology, it is just so intriguing to me. Meteora is such a beautiful place. I totally enjoyed my self-drive trip to visit the monasteries.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I have a huge scar on my left ankle from a motor bike accident in Vietnam.

I had my first “quarter life crisis” at 15, after a ex-boyfriend told me that besides being good-looking, there was nothing good in me! Then again at 24, I began questioning “who am I and if there is any good in me.” All of this is part of what lead me to found  Relationship Studio.

Anything else you’d like us to know?:
My life journey after my divorce was for me to be the coach that I never had when I was going through that crisis. That is how I started Relationship Studio and then later on The Enneagram Academy. I personally have been through the valley in my life, and I wish to help many others through their valley experience.