
Name: Dorotea


Lives in: Athens, Greece


From: I was born in Turin, Italy and came to Greece at the age of 13.  I moved to New York City as a student where I studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute. I moved back to the EU in 2007.


Job: I am an actress. Some of my movies are Fish Tales and Without Borders. You can see all my work here.


Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): First I was a hostess, then a cocktail waitress, and third, a model!


Zodiac sign?: Taurus


Enneagram type:  The Perfectionist/ Type 1


What do you love about Greece? I find the landscape quite beautiful.



Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I speak 5 languages (English, Italian, French, Greek, and Spanish)!



Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: Night yoga



The first time you tried Kundalini Yoga? In 1999 in New York City


Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Don’t buy anything anymore, consume less!


Anything else you’d like us to know?: I love all animals and work with the stray cats in Athens.  To help support this work, I’m co-hosting a benefit called “Fish, Cats, and Yoga Mats” at the Doctor Fish Spa in Plaka (Adrianou 69) from 20:-00-21:00 Sunday, December 17th.  Lynn will offer face yoga and chair yoga, and we will do meditations for joy and prosperity. It is a donation-based event, all proceeds to to vet bills and cat food. We would love to see you there!