Eleni Petrakou

Name: Eleni Petrakou

Lives in: Athens, Greece, but I’m about to move to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to work as a university lecturer.

From: Athens, Greece

Occupation: Most of the time I am a physicist, although I’ve done various jobs; most recently I’ve moonlighted as a science journalist.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): Shop assistant at a bookstore, computer programmer at a university lab, private tutor for high-school students.

Zodiac sign: I use to say that if you believe in astrology, then you must be able to guess my zodiac sign : )

Enneagram type: Type 5 Investigator with wing 4.

What do you love Greece? I like that life is quite “livable” in some very practical terms; houses are well built, inexpensive food is available, and there’ll always be a way to see a doctor — things ingrained in people’s expectations, although politicians have been doing their best to demolish. And, the islands have a pretty unique ambience.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: Not many people know that I love bollywood dancing! I even went to a bollywood dancing school for a couple of years.

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s community:Reading the newsletter!
No, it’s not because I’m a 5… It’s because it’s great, and I look forward to it each weekend.

Tell us the first time you tried Kundalini Yoga: A dozen years ago in Brighton, UK. I was visiting a friend who talked about Kundalini yoga in the best way, but I was genuinely disinterested and I just accompanied her without expecting anything. Then, after the session was over, I experienced a very strong psychological effect. The rest was history; I’ve now been doing Kundalini Yoga for years and recently took up tantric yoga.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Find how you can influence political decisions related to climate. Changing our individual habits amounts to nothing compared to large-scale emissions and waste.

Anything else you’d like us to know?: If you like staying on top of science news but you find reading them boring, then you could give my blog a try: here is a link to The Ph-word.