Hanna McElroy

Name: Hanna McElroy

Lives in: Seattle, WA USA

From: I was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and grew up in New York City

Occupation: I own two used book stores in Seattle, WA, where I’ve lived for over thirty years.  I also have a tarot business, in which I incorporate the Enneagram of personality into the iterative process of reading the cards.  For the past two years, I’ve had a substack newsletter, recently renamed The Thoughtful Dispatch.  I like to be busy!  🙂

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): I sold cookies in Grand Central Station in New York.
I sold flowers in Santa Cruz, California.
I sold toys in Seattle, Washington.

Zodiac sign: Leo

Enneagram type: Type 8, Leader/Boss/Challenger

What do you love about Greece? The landscape and waters of Paros and Naxos.  The bustling city life of Athens where at almost every turn one runs into ancient history.  The kind and friendly people. THE FOOD!  It has become an annual pilgrimage for me.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I went to the High School of Music and the Arts in NYC, the FAME school.

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s community:  On the island of Paros, at Lynn’s annual retreat.

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? I did a 40 Day Kundalini Intro last year with Dharmanjeev Kaur.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Take a walk. Climate change feels insurmountable, as if there is nothing to be done because the problem is so big. When I walk in nature it puts me back in touch with the earth and helps me to remember that little actions add up. I can make small choices, like walking instead of driving, turning lights off, eating local food with a small carbon footprint, and I can have an impact in my own small way.

Anything else you’d like us to know?: I do Enneagram-informed tarot card readings and love to talk about the ways they work together. If you’d like to know more, visit my site

Enneagram-informed tarot is something I was doing in my readings without really realizing it. Once I put a name to it it began to make perfect sense for me. Tarot is not therapy or fortune telling, but it is a way to help people understand their pasts and how they inform the future. When I know someone’s Ennneagram type, it is as if I have a head start in looking at the cards with them. I have clients who are not interested in the Enneagram, and it is not necessary to read tarot, but I have found that when a client is interested in both the systems, they work together in surprisingly helpful ways.  If I know someone identifies as a 2 the cards may looks very different from someone whose type is an 8.
I am working on an essay which may turn into a book, really digging in to my philosophy about these two systems working together. When I think of the Enneagram, with the nine types, and twenty-seven subtypes, and wings, combined with the seventy-eight tarot cards, the combinations are endlessly fascinating…