Ida Radovanovic

1) Name: Ida Radovanovic

2) Lives in: Novi Beograd, Belgrade

3) From: Belgrade, Serbia

4) Occupation: Founder of anti-procrastination platform called The Playground.

5) First three jobs (ever!): When I was 5 years old, my cousins and I made a “shop” re-gifting the same sweets and housewarming gifts given to us by our family members (this is based on the Serbian tradition to bring a small present like coffee and or sweets for the kids when you visit someone’s home).  My second job was working in a chocolate factory and pasting ‘1+4 GRATIS’ stickers to a set of five chocolates And my third job was working at a club. I did promotion and tasks like pretending to be the crowd in a cue/in line in front of the club, giving out flyers, etc.

6) Zodiac sign: Leo

7) Enneagram Type: Perfectionist/Type 1

8) What you love about Greece? The sunshine, the breeze, the smell of the Mediterranean, always getting a glass of water when you sit down, loukumades, kalamares, summers in Greece, anytime in Greece, the islands, Greek people in general, dancing hora, kolokitokeftedes, chubby stray dogs, people feeding them, cappuccino freddo…many things.

9) Something most people don’t know about you: I am quite open but most people don’t know that I have a hatha yoga teacher certification.

10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?  I enjoy night yoga the most but I also found SUP yoga challenging but fun. And you will see me in Ikaria in June!

11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? With Lynn when she organized a free class at the Greek language school  Lexi-Logos.

12) What is your favorite/best tip to fight climate crisis? Consume with consciousness

13) Anything else you’d like us to know? I enjoy gamifying experiences we like or some that we procrastinate with 🙂 And I’d like to invite you to check out my Playground and upcoming Coworking Island Life project in Ikaria.