Jenna Dower

Name: Jenna Dower

Lives in: San Diego, California  (USA)

From: Born and raised in Orange County, CA

Occupation: I’m the Brand Manager for online houseplant startup, Lively Root. Our mission Is to inspire greener spaces and to create deeper connections with people and their plants. I manage Public Relations, Paid Social, Marketing Campaigns and all of our Photo Shoots.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): In college, I worked at a BBQ restaurant as a server. After that, I interned for a skateboarding lifestyle brand called SUPRA. We made high top sneakers and streetwear. When the company got bought out, I was recruited over to a surf lifestyle company in San Diego called Reef.

Zodiac sign: Libra

Enneagram type: Type 3, Achiever

What do you love about Greece?  The food! Greek food Is amazing and being a blue zone they live the healthiest lifestyle of the world.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I love to line dance!

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga : SUP yoga Is a lot of fun so if I come to Greece, I’ll try it there. ! I did it on my vacation to Cancun last year.

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga?  I have not tried it yet but would love to

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Let’s cover this earth with more trees and greenery. More Plants!!!

Anything else you’d like us to know?: Lively Root has plants for everyone of all plant parent skill levels and offers care instructions for each plant. We even have a variety of pet-friendly options to choose from. Additionally, plants make the best gifts so if you are ever torn on what to get someone – buy them a plant.

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