Linda Lingo

Name: Linda Lingo

Lives in: Albany, Oregon, USA. Interesting tidbit: I live right next door to my son, his wife, and my three grandchildren.

From: I was born and raised on a farm in South Dakota. I am the oldest of five and was the first in my family to go to college, Augustana University in Sioux Falls, SD. I have also received my MBA in Finance and am a CPA.

Occupation: I am a Financial Coach and CPA. I holistically educate women in all areas of money so they shed their shame and guilt and step into their financial freedom. I specifically coach the following women: solo-preneurs, career women in upper management, divorcees, and women turning 50 and focused on their retirement plan. My goal is to inspire and guide women into clarity and confidence in their finances so they can live the life they desire.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): My first ever jobs were while I was still in high school. They were a waitress (I only lasted a summer!), house cleaner, baby sitter.

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Enneagram type: Somewhere between Perfectionist/Helper/Achiever.

What do you love about Greece? My first and only trip to Athens was October 2022 when I had the most wonderful experience. The people were friendly and helpful, and the city seems to never sleep–I found the best gelato place at midnight! The history is so old, it’s almost hard to comprehend, at least for an American, where anything 200 years is old! The food was fantastic, but beware the scooters!

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I planted and tended a 2 acre vineyard in Northern California. I enjoy making and drinking wine, especially with friends! (OK, most people know I like drinking wine!)

Where we are most likely to find you in the community? I’ve yet to experience Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga, but I love her Enneagram meditations. I might have to plan a trip back to Greece for her next retreat!

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? I tried Kundalini Yoga in Redding, California with friends about five years ago. I’m working up to attending a retreat in 2023.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: I’m unplugging more appliances when not in use to reduce energy use and I’m turning off the water when I brush my teeth.

Anything else you’d like us to know?: I am an ardent student of mindfulness and meditation as it is anti-aging! I love reading and am enjoying David R. Hamilton’s book, “Why Woo Woo Works”.  If anyone in the community would like to learn more about my services, you can learn more here or schedule a discovery call with me. I would love to support you in any way I can.  I’d also like to mention that I’m offering a 3 part workshop on “Creating Wealth Your Way.” The workshop is November 8, 9 & 10th and it will be recorded for those who want to view it at a good time for them. I’ll be discussing how your money mindset and beliefs are the gateway to creating wealth your way. Here’s the link to add to my info: