Maria Christodoulou

Name: Maria Christodoulou

Lives in: Athens, Greece

From: New York, New York, USA

Occupation: I am a clinical herbalist exploring the wisdom and whimsy of ancient Greek herbal medicine. As The Greek Herbalist, I offer educational herbal tours throughout Greece, helping people connect with the land and the people who live there. I also teach virtual courses based on the bounty of medicine and folklore of my ancestors, and I am the author of “The Greek Herbalist’s Guide to the Mountain” (forthcoming) and “The Greek Herbalist’s Guide to the National Garden, Athens” (2022). I am the lead coordinator of the Herbalists Without Borders, Athens, Greece chapter. For more adventures through antiquity, visit

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): I was a chocolate-maker assistant, babysitter, and waitress

Zodiac sign?: Pisces

What do you love about Greece? The nature! Greece is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. There are also an abundant amount of endemic (native) species in Greece, most concentrated in 3 areas: Crete, the Peloponnese, and central Greece. There are stories connected to the land to uncover throughout the country, and I love that I can explore ancient and modern herbal practices on the same land where they were practiced thousands of years ago.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: When I was in middle school I was responsible for getting on the loudspeaker every morning and sharing all the school announcements. (Sometimes there would be lots of uncontrollable giggles!)

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s community? Leading the community members on herbal walking tours.

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? Pre-pandemic New York City – seems like a distant memory! I can’t remember any of the details.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: I take public transportation as much as possible.

Anything else you’d like us to know? Treat yourself to a walk in nature today! To that end, I offer a Myths & Medicine Plant Walk in the National Garden that explores the ancient stories connected to seemingly ordinary plants. Join me for an adventure through antiquity and learn about their extraordinary powers that have inspired people for thousands of years. Learn more here:

I also offer a variety of retreats in Greece from spring April through October. Learn more about my retreats here!