Michelle B. Noah

Name: Michelle B. Noah


Lives in: Dallas, Texas, USA


From: I was born in Ardmore, Oklahoma and grew up in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Occupation: I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Oklahoma with an emphasis and focus on Printmaking and Painting. I own an Art Studio/Gallery, Current Artist Workshop. I paint acrylic paint on gallery wrapped canvas. I usually paint about 30 hours a week and spend about 10 hours a week doing marketing and digital content.


Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): At 16, my first job was in a restaurant called “Around the Corner”. I took orders from a red phone at each table, delivered hamburgers, french fries,milkshakes, and desserts.
At 17, my second job was in an Art Supply and Hobby store. It was a small family-owned store, and I was a clerk. Then my college summer job was in the State Department of Education as a file clerk in Teacher Certification.


Zodiac sign?: Taurus


Enneagram type: Type Seven with an Eight.


What do you love about Greece: I love pictures and movies about Greece. I love learning about the art and the culture. The sad truth is I don’t have a passport and have never traveled outside North America. As an Enneagram Seven I do love traveling and seeing new places. I would love to see Greece in person.


Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I love researching interesting people!  For example, I met Joel Stabile who is the son of Author Suzanne Stabile who wrote “The Road Back to You  & The Path Between Us. He is the Podcast Producer for The Enneagram Journey Series. We met for 2 hours for a tour of my exhibition for his podcast. He’s a 7 married to a 1 and I’m a 7 married to a 1. We had so much in common and loved spending those 2 hours together. I can’t wait to hear the podcast. 🙂



Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? Sharing my Enneagram art with the community online!


First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? I haven’t tried it yet. 🙂




Anything else you’d like us to know?: My long-term dream in life has always been to own my own Art Studio and to paint full time. Having my solo exhibition at the Eisemann has been a fulfillment of that dream.
I’d also like to share that  I have created a series called By the Numbers featuring Enneagram inspiration for each of the nine types. I was inspired by my curiosity for how human beings are wired: we all have a distinct way of looking at the world. My visual interpretation of the enneagram world is inspired by the people I love. I love color and love expressing my emotions through color. Bright colors express optimism and the darker colors reflect the intensity and a dark moodiness. A year of creating these pieces has given me a framework to understand what motivates us and inspires us. It gives me insight into what gives us security and makes us soar and what gives us stress and weakness we fail to conquer. Take a journey through BY THE NUMBERS and see what you discover.