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1) Name: Nancie Gialeli
2) Lives in: Moschato, Athens
3) From: Athens, Greece
4) Occupation: Formerly I owned my own cosmetics store. Currently I am looking for work.. Maybe you have something for me? 🙂
5) First three jobs (ever!) First I was a secretary, then I become the owner of a cosmetics store, third I worked amy brother’s shop
6) Zodiac: Aquarius
7) don’t know my enneagram type
8) I love the sea, open cinemas and the culture. Acropolis is something I can’t get enough
9) I am insecure about my qualification but willing to know everything
10) night yoga, especially the full moon yoga at the roof of Lynn’s house
11) I tried kundalini yoga with Lynn at the salt cave in Glyfada
12) try not to buy bottled water, eat meat every second week, don’t use straws
13) very happy to be one of your community. Nice to meet you. I have two beautiful daughters 14 and 11 and I would love to get involved with yoga at any level or type