Name: Noah
Lives in: Ikaria and Athens, Greece
From: Minsk, Belarus
Origins: I’m a 4-month old Australian shepherd puppy from Belarus! I’m 15 kilos now and growing fast.
Job: Ikaria Surf School Mascot. This is my first job so I’m still in basic training. 🙂 I’m going to be very well trained so I can help others. No duties yet but I might rescue people in the future. 
Best thing about living in Greece: The sun, the sea, good food, play.
Where can we find you in the Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga community? You can find me at Ikaria Surf School in the summer and wherever are good waves in the winter.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I just started to make big jumps and I love it. 🙂
Anything else we should know? I’m looking forward to particating in my first Ikaria Surf Camp this summer! Come look for me there. 🙂