Ramesh Goonetilleke

1) Name: Ramesh Goonetilleke

2) Lives in: Pleasure Point (Santa Cruz), California, USA

3) Where were you born? Colombo, Sri Lanka, but I moved to the US when I was 2 years old..

4) Occupation/employer:  Technology Consultant

5) First three jobs (ever!): Burger King, Construction Laborer, Graphic Design

6) Zodiac sign: Libra

7) Enneagram: Type 9, Peacemaker with Type 1, Perfectionist wing

8) What you love about Athens or Greece in general: I love the sense of history and the food. Growing up on the coast, I think I feel comfortable there because it’s such a maritime culture.

9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I wanted to be a helicopter pilot when I was little. 🙂

10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? I was a panelist for the Enneagram Type 9 night several years ago.

11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)? With Lynn in San Francisco back in 2009 when she needed a practice audience when she was just starting to teach.  🙂

12) Anything else you’d like us to know? I offer website design and support for all different types and sizes of businesses. If you have any website needs, I’d be happy to see if I can help! Please contact me through my website.

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