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1. Name: Reino
2. Lives in: Kuusjoki, Salo, Finland
3. From: Turku, Finland
5. First three jobs (ever!): 1) Washing dishes in a restaurant 2) selling magazines by phone and 3) a warehouse guy carrying goods, cleaning, etc.
6.Zodiac sign: Aries
7. Give us your top tips to combat climate change: I’m a big fan of buying used so i try to do that whenever possible. Flea markets are some of my favorite places to shop.
8. Tell us what you love about Finland: Freedom on many levels, not really any restrictions, people can be themselves (if they dare), and society wants to help those who have fallen to the bottom.
9. Tell us something most people don’t know about you: Sailing was a big hobby of mine when I was young. I loved surfing the waves in a tiny boat. 🙂
10. Where are we most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? Well, I’m guessing here but I’ll say in the Night yoga. The year will be approximately 2025 and propably August, I’m kind of getting a Wednesdayish vibe… 🙂
11.First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? Four years ago with a Youtube-guru Shiv Charan Kaur
12. Anything else you’d like us to know? . Yes! I have a unique opportunity to offer you…I have a friggin’ huge (1350 sq m2) old school in Finland that I am trying to develop into a creative space/shared living community. My dream is it will have lots of class rooms, a yoga studio, a library, a dance hall, a gym, living room etc… I have two people currently living here, but both of them are moving away, so tadah! it would be awesome if you want to come and check it out, maybe this is the place for you. Spread the word!