Sharon Kay

Name: Sharon Kay



Lives in: Lee’s Summit, Missouri, U.S.A.



From: My birthplace was San Antonio, Texas, but my mother took me to Paris, Arkansas when I was two weeks old. I lived there with my grandmother for eight years while my mother went to college to get her master’s degree in education (a benefit from her time served in the United States Women’s Army Corp [WAC]). Then we returned to San Antonio where her father lived. I graduated from high school in San Antonio and lived there until I married and moved to the coast at Freeport, Texas.


Job: My full-time job is as a Telephone Prayer Associate for the Unity Church of Christianity. As a Telephone Prayer Associate, I spend about six hours a day praying with people from all walks of life, all faiths, all countries on the phone. We have contacts in Greece in our database, so I may have prayed with you at some time. Or, perhaps, you subscribe to our Daily Word magazine. Either way, when I visit Greece next year, I would love to meet some of you.


In addition, I am a Licensed Unity Teacher who frequently goes out to small Unity churches to conduct their Sunday morning worship service. As such, I consider myself a motivational speaker but not a minister. There’s nothing “preachy” about me. My words are usually in the form of storytelling and always meant to inspire people to think about ways in which they can be the best that they are capable of being.


I have written and self-published two books. Both consist of personal stories about things that have happened in my life:
Create-A-Miracle PRN: Miracles are all around us — if we know what to look for. And I believe we create most of them through the power of our thoughts and imagination. As such, we recognize synchronistic happenings and act on them, when they occur.


Shape-Shifting: Healing from Morbid Obesity:  I weighed 300-pounds at one time. I share my story because it is one of gradually releasing the weight as opposed to what I call “quick fix” diets that never work long-term. If you met me today, you wouldn’t think that I was ever that large. Today I am a 73-year-old woman who is very active and focused on adventure and meeting new people — not food. (Though I really look forward to seafood and learning Greek cooking when I visit Greece.)



Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): My very first job was during summer break at age 15 chauffeuring an old man (well, probably in his 40s but I was 15..)  to collect rent on properties he owned — in his BIG BLACK TEXAS STYLE Cadillac. I earned enough that summer vacation to buy my first car, a Peugeot.


I graduated from high school at age 16 with the award for Most Outstanding Business Student, and with this award, I was offered a job at United Services Automobile Association, the largest insurance company in San Antonio, Texas. I was a policy typist.


Six months later I was offered a job in Civil Service.



Zodiac sign?: Gemini


Enneagram type (if you know it)?: Type 7 / 8 Wing / Intimate subtype



What do you love about Greece? Honestly, I had not thought about Greece as a destination until I read Lynn’s article.  I am interested in exploring International Living options where my retirement income will go further and, now that I have made this connection and started reading about Greece, I find myself quite excited about what the country has to offer.


Greece sounds like paradise. I first thought I would visit for a week next year. Now I am considering 2-3 weeks because there is so much to see and do. With mountains and coastline, it seems comparable to 22 years I lived on the Texas coast; then later in the Texas hill country. And the idea of immersing myself in a culture that I may decide to move to is intriguing and practical.


Tell us something most people don’t know about you: Three years ago, at age 70, I began taking private ballroom dance lessons.  I had always thought that couples dancing the waltz on the Lawrence Welk Show were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. In 2019 it seemed that it was “Now or never.”


Private lessons are expensive, but I have never regretted a penny because of the pleasure dancing gives me. And I have never felt more beautiful and graceful than I do, dressed in ballroom attire, on a dance floor.  🙂


Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? Meeting the community and learning more about Greece.


The first time you tried Kundalini Yoga? I have participated in Kundalini Yoga workshops through the 3HO organization in Kansas City, Missouri. I did a Google search and found 3HO in Kansas City, practically in my backyard. I  met wonderful people, did an ayurvedic cleanse while with them, and had my numerology reading done (which said that my work with prayer is exactly where I belong). I must admit, however, that I spend more time now with walking meditation than I do with yoga. Perhaps it will be different in Greece with more time in retirement.



Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Recycling and repurposing as much as possible, keeping waste to a minimum, and limiting my drive time. A car is necessary where I live but, when I moved to this area, I found an apartment that I love within walking distance of my on-site work. With the onset of COVID 19 restrictions, I began working from home — and found that I love doing so.


Anything else you’d like us to know?: That I am excited about making new friends in Greece. You will find me to be very open and easy to get to know.