1) Name: Siri Vedya Singh
2) Lives in: Albany, California USA (just north of Berkeley and 10 miles across the Bay from San Francisco)
3) From: I was born in Berkeley, California USA (the hospital I was born in is about 2 miles from my current home!)
4) Occupation/employer: I am the owner of the Presidio Paper Company, a company that purchases paper used for making cardboard boxes or paper bags in North America and exports the paper to countries all over the world.
5) First three jobs (ever!):
- First Job: Delivering newspapers in my neighborhood
- Second Job: Working in a lumber yard during weekends and summers
- Third Job: Working during the summers of my junior and senior college year with a group of students that help orient incoming freshman to the University of California in Santa Barbara, California
6) Zodiac sign: Taurus !!
7) What you love about Greece? Greece’s rich history of nurturing the life of the mind!
8) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: In 1974, as a timid traveler, I hitch hiked in late December and January all thru Poland and Czechoslovakia…a life altering trip for me.
9) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? Teaching Lynn when she dials in for my classes. You are all invited too!
10) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? I went to my first Kundalini Yoga class at Guru Ram Das Ashram in San Francisco in 1977…my first yoga teacher was Hari Karam Singh, and he was the perfect first teacher for me…kind, humorous, and a great yogi!…during the relaxation portion of the class, with my body feeling the effects of stretching in new ways, I heard a voice say to me, “Welcome Home”!…that first yoga class has changed the direction of my life for the last 44 years.
11) Give us your top tip to help slow down climate change: My top tip for helping slow down climate change is to dwell within the experience of clean energy abundance. Enough sunlight hits the earth in an hour and a half to power the current energy needs of the planet for a year. While huge economic forces are resisting change, there is enormous innovation taking place to orient how we live sustainably on this planet. These new technologies also mimic and encourage a new way for humans to live together…rather than energy systems that are concentrated, polluting and too powerful, the new energy systems are distributed, sustainable and collaborative. The new energy systems encourage new social systems.
12) Anything else you’d like us to know? I’d like to share that I am an optimist. I believe we are at the beginning of a time in which humanity reawakens to the experience that we are all truly interconnected. How we treat one person affects us all.
I feel we all know that we humans have the ability to treat each other with much more kindness than is common today. The art of genuine dialogue (deep listening + authentic responses) is being called for. We each have an opportunity to respond to that call. I have taught Kundalini Yoga, mostly on Saturday mornings, for over 44 years because this system was created to nurture human excellence.You are all welcome to join my classes via Zoom at 9:00 am (California time) on Saturday mornings.* The link is here and all are welcome.