Stefanie Behrendt

1) Name: Stefanie Behrendt


2) Lives in: Moving a lot, currently in Piraeus, Pasalimani


3) From: Salzburg, Austria


4) Occupation: I’m self-employed, I run a company called “Girls Invest Greece.”  It’s a female financed investment model that supports eco tourism


5) First three jobs: First, I worked as a waitress in Salzburg at Tomaselli, Austria’s oldest “Viennese coffee house”, founded in 1700. Even Mozart enjoyed his coffee here. Then, I worked as an assistant to the CEO of a real estate company, and next  I worked for a tax accountant and managed several retail parks. 


6) Zodiac sign: Scorpio


7) Enneagram Type: To be determined!


8) What you love about Greece? I love the Greek sea and sun!  Coming from a place where it is raining half of the year, the sun in Greece just makes me happy.


9) Something most people don’t know about you: I just started knitting. My Grandma showed me how to do it, and I find it very relaxing.


10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: The classes at Ayurveda on Monday nights!


11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)? In Thailand, Koh Samui, 2017, with Craig Proctor.


12) Anything else you’d like us to know?  I would like to invite you to join my yoga retreat in Agistri on April 27-May 3rd!  Come spend a long weekend together at a little island just a ferry ride away from Athens. This retreat focuses on setting new intentions and manifesting them, exploring our body and the island and refreshing our mind.  Learn more!





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Get your guide to the 9 Enneagram types with a different Kundalini Yoga meditation for each type. These meditations are designed to relax your habit of attention and build self awareness - starting in as little as 3 minutes a day.