1) Name: Stephanos
2) From: Chania, Crete but I moved to Koukaki when I was 18.
3) Lives in: Athens
4) Occupation: Owner of Pantourakis Electronics. We sell electronics and lighting and we offer repair services for electronics and other home or office issues.
5) First three jobs (ever!): I have always worked in electronics stores. First I was an errand boy, and then a regular employee. I realized my future was limited as an employee so I decided to start my own store. I opened Pantourakis in 1984.
6) What do you love about Greece? The nature and all of its animals.
7) Tell us something most people don’t know about you? I love bikes and cycling. I have four bikes and until about four years ago, I would ride for an hour per day.
8) Anything else you’d like us to know? If you have any electronics needs, please feel free to visit my store and ask for me! I’m there most days. Pantourakis Electronics at Dimitrakopoulou 49.