Name: Suzanne Dion
Lives in: Aptos, California, USA
From: I was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to a French Gaspédian father and Irish mother from Newfoundland. We immigrated to the Bay Area in California when I was 6 years old.
Occupation: I am an Enneagram teacher, coach, and author as well as a multi-media artist and marketing communications designer
Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): A Sandwich Maker, an Aerobics Instructor and Director, Suzuki World Cup Sportaerobics Head Judge and Executive Director of the International Aerobics Federation
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Enneagram type: Type 1
What do you love about Greece? I have never been but it’s on my bucket list!! I want to spend a month there sometime in the near future.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I spent 25 years working passionately for a sports federation based in Tokyo, Japan. I love Japan and its culture dearly, and I love exercise, dance, aerobics, and fitness.
Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s community: I haven’t had the privilege yet to take yoga with Lynn. Yoga is totally humbling! But you will see me on the Enneagram type 1 panel offering my experience as a Type 1.
First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? De Anza College, 1981.
Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Abolish plastic packaging worldwide.
Anything else you’d like us to know?: Whenever possible, choose grace. 😉 I would also like to share a book I co-authored with Dr. David Daniels called “The Enneagram, Relationships, and Intimacy.” You can learn more here.