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This 60-minute class includes an 8-exercise kriya focused on the core/abdominal center/core. Do this kriya regularly to see your abs get strong! This all-levels class ends with a 6-minute meditation to create self-love. This video was filmed during a live class. Dynamic/More Physically Challenging Set
Kriya to Boost Your Metabolism/Meditation to Boost the Immune System
This 60-minute class includes an 8-exercise refreshing kriya to boost your metabolism and ends with a 3-minute meditation to boost your immune system. This kriya releases tension accompanied by nervousness. It also works on the upper triangle of chakras and stimulates the balance of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is an accessible series that derives its powerful effects from the sequence of glandular stimulation and the use of praanayam. If your body needs a detox, try this set! This video was filmed during a live class. Cleansing Set.
Kriya to Open the Heart/Meditation to Open the Heart
This 60-minute class includes a 6-exercise kriya to open the heart based on my book “Headstart for Happiness.” The class ends with a 3-minute meditation to open the heart. This class is particularly recommended for Enneagram Leader (8)s. This video was filmed during a live class. Heart-Opening Set.