Ania Zachariadou

1) Name: Ania Zachariadou


2)Lives in: Exarcheia, Athens


3) From: Thessaloniki, Greece


4) Occupation: I’m a PhD student in Architecture and at the moment I’m working on abandoned houses and how they can be revived for the benefit of the community.


5) Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): My first job lasted one day as a waitress (I do not have very stable hands)… Next I worked in the Museum of Photography in Thessaloniki and after that in a clothing shop!


6)Zodiac: Leo!


7) Enneagram type: Peacemaker/Type 9


8) What do you love about Greece? I love the light in Greece and especially the fact that it’s so bright and white in Athens and the islands. One of my plans is to visit every single Greek island.


9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I’m a very passionate pebble collector!!!


10) Where are we most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?  Every Tuesday at Swaha


11) When was the first time you tried KundalinI Yoga? With our beloved teacher Lynn, about a year ago!!! My first class was in a yoga studio in Koukaki, on a Sunday morning. But I’m really looking forward to attend a roof deck class, it’s going to be truly amazing!!!


12) Anything else? This year I started electric guitar lessons and have been participating at my school’s gigs!!! I’m extremely excited. My future plan is to start a band!!!

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