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1) Name: Benjamin Hanna
2) Lives in: Zografou, Athens
3) From: Graz, Austria
4) Occupation: Business Owner of an online jewelry store called Spiritofhakunamatata.
5) First three jobs (ever!): My first job was in an office called Andritz Weiz where I spent a month optimizing excel files and ordering paperwork. In my second job I was a dancer in the countryside, on the weekends in small discotheques where they play discofox. My job was to dance with all the ladies there . 🙂 For my third job, I worked with mentally handicapped people as part of my civil service for Austria.
6) Zodiac sign: Gemini with Ascendant also in Gemini
7) Enneagram Type: I guess I am a 3, the Achiever/Motivator
8) What you love about Athens or Greece in general: SOUVLAKI, GREEK SALAD, FAVA, Tahina, Beach & Sun
9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I love God and pray each night.
10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: Kundalini Yoga Monday night classes
11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)? Thailand, Koh Tao, in front of my apartment and 5 meters in front of the beach with the people there
12) Give us your top tip to help slow down climate change: Improve my own energetic field and help open the minds of others, so the hold back technologies are getting used and the problem will be solved rather quickly.
13) Anything else you’d like us to know? I created my own jewelry line, which is all about spirituality and the topics of the chakras, the mahavidyas and ancient deities. And I am looking for models who would like to own the jewelry in exchange for some pictures of them wearing it. If you want to learn more, please email me at and write “Lynn” in the header. Spam is crazy these days..