Cassie Anderson


Name: Cassie Anderson

Lives in: Neos Kosmos, Athens

From: Barwon Heads, Australia (a coastal town about an hour’s drive from Melbourne).

Job: I am a marketing consultant and work with impact-driven business owners to define their marketing strategy, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing activities.

5) First three jobs (ever!): 1) Shop assistant in a bakery cafe 2) nappy washer and kindergarten assistant at a childcare centre and 3) answering telephones as an office temp.  🙂

6) Zodiac sign: Libra

7) Enneagram Type: Type 2, The Helper, Giver, Lover.

8) What you love about Greece? I  love so many things but topping the list are the sea, sunshine, fresh produce, philotimo, and this amazing yoga community.

9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you:  Growing up I was a champion Scottish Highland Dancer!  🙂

10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?  On the roof deck and the yoga holiday retreats as well as Enneagram training sessions.

11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? With Lynn, on the roof under the full moon on my birthday. It was very special.

12) Anything else you’d like us to know? Since moving to Greece in 2018 I’ve started a side hustle as a copy editor, worked remotely for corporate clients from some amazing Greek islands. I’ve also learned how to hula hoop and spin fire and developed a daily Kundalini Yoga practice (111 days and counting). My life has become more balanced and creative in ways I just couldn’t have imagined before. The LKY community has played a huge part in all of this and I am so very grateful to you all.


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Download Your Free Ebook “3-Minute Meditations for Each Enneagram Type"

Get your guide to the 9 Enneagram types with a different Kundalini Yoga meditation for each type. These meditations are designed to relax your habit of attention and build self awareness - starting in as little as 3 minutes a day.