Corinna Fanara

1)  Name: Corinna Fanara

2)  Lives in: Athens, Nea Smirni

3)  From: Greek, born in Athens, both of my parents are from the island of Lesbos

4)  Occupation/employer: I have several… I’m a Museum Educator at the Hellenic Children’s Museum, also a freelance translator / copy editor, and hopefully soon a Thai Massage practitioner – just started training!

5)  First three jobs (ever!):  I was a Tutor of ancient Greek (private lessons), then a Greek teacher at an English-speaking school (primary education) and then a babysitter of two amazing boys (my first children, as I call them),

6) Zodiac sign: Taurus

7)  Enneagram Type: Type 9, the Peacemaker

8) What you love about Athens?  Athens has so many things to offer in terms of past culture, modern culture, gastronomy, activities, events and so on that discovering her is a never ending process. Even when life here is too much for you, the city itself offers you an easy escape – it’s close to the mountains, close to the sea, the weather is on your side for the longest part of the year, I can’t think of a better deal!

9)  Tell us something most people don’t know about you: When I get old I would like to go and live with my husband in a small cottage house somewhere in the English countryside.

10)  Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?  On Lynn’s roof deck, either for a yoga session or for an Enneagram Type Party – I miss those parties!

11)  When was the first time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)? At Bhāvanā Yoga Center, four years ago, with Lynn. (And I remember there were some very tasteful raw food snacks going around!)

12)  Anything else you’d like us to know? I might not participate as often as I would like in the various events for the community, but when I do those times are really special to me.