Derika Faamausili

Name: Derika Faamausili, LC, CBT, C.Ht


Lives in: Sacramento, California, USA


From: Local Girl! I was born and raised in Sacramento!


Job.: I’m the founder and practitioner of Wholesome Hypnotherapy, created in 2012. I specialize in Holistic Health & Life Coaching, Behavioral Therapy, and my “cherry on top” specialty is Hypnotherapy!


Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): Selling frozen Kool-Aid cups out of my house, braiding hair out of a tiny neighborhood salon, to working as a manager at a McDonalds restaurant… All before the age of 17! Thankfully, the grand pivot point into my health and wellness adventures began here.


Zodiac sign?: Aries


What do you love about Greece: I’ve never been, however through my husband’s traveling stories and all that you see and hear from books and videos… I WOULD LOVE to one day bask in the BLUEs of the oceans and the bright white buildings, dance with the beautiful people of Greece, and feast on fresh gyros and baklava! One day…



Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I’m only 32~! Most people think I’m older… Not sure if this is a good thing LOL


Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga (i.e. SUP Yoga, night yoga, etc.) : Well, now I have a dream of going to Greece to experience SUP Yoga with Lynn!


First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)?: Never… I’m a KUNDALINI virgin. LOL


Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Recycle!
Buy sustainably!
Grow my own garden!
Unplug what’s not in use!


Anything else you’d like us to know?: I had all four of my children naturally at home like a birthing boss! I came from great struggles; homelessness, hunger & sickness to living an abundantly, healthy, and happy dream life shared with my soulmate! I love guiding people from where they are into where they desire to be! #OneLove  You can learn more about my work at Wholesome Hypnotherapy or on Facebook or Instagram.

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