Elena Apostolidou

Name: Elena Apostolidou
Lives in: Voula, Greater Athens


From: Athens

Occupation: Owner of The Salt Cave in Glyfada

First three jobs (ever!): First I was a secretary for a financial company, then the manager of Human Resources, and then the Salt Cave!

Zodiac sign : Sagittarius

What you love about Greece?: The warmth and hospitality of the Greek people and the type of life you can build for yourself here.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I studied business administration about spas!  I speak English, Italian, a little bit Turkish and of course Greek and now I want  to study business psychology in Rome.  🙂

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?  At the front desk of the Salt Cave managing the space while Lynn teaches there!

11) Top tip to help combat climate change? Recycle, recycle, recycle!

12) Anything else you’d like us to know?
I like sharing the story of our salt cave.  The idea began when a family friend visited a salt cave while traveling in the United States. He came back and told us all about it. We realized there were no salt caves in Athens so we started doing our research. We started the salt cave in 2011 with the help of a team of people from Wieliczka, Poland! Wielicszka is known for its world-famous salt mine (a UNESCO world heritage site). All the construction of our salt cave in Glyfada came from Poland as they sent a team of people to Greece for two weeks to help us with the construction.  We’ve been offering the salt cave benefits for 8 years now and have plans for expansion.  🙂


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