Gordon McClellan

Name: Gordon McClellan



Lives in: Manchester, Vermont USA



From: I was born in Norwalk, Connecticut and lived in Westport, CT for about 12 years before moving to Winter Park, Florida with my family. Ultimately, we moved to Vermont.



Occupation: Founder of DartFrog Books. We offer publishing, marketing, distribution and curation for independent authors. www.DartFrogBooks.com



Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): Food server at Morrison’s cafeteria in Orlando, Florida,  then an apple picker on kibbutz in northern Israel, and finally a dishwasher at Weekapaug Inn in Rhode Island. These were all high school summer jobs.



Zodiac sign?: Cancer



Enneagram type (if you know it)?: Perfectionist Type 1



What do you love about Greece?  I have never been to Greece, but I look forward to going someday soon! I imagine I would enjoy the history, the natural beauty, the food and the people!



Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I love standing into the wind and feeling its power. It is a reminder to me of the natural world that we are all part of and need to protect. Also, people who know me through my role at Dartfrog often don’t know that I was a minister for over 22 years.



Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: I think the idea of SUP yoga is fascinating but would require some work on my balance! For now, you might see me trying Kundalini Yoga over Zoom!



The first time you tried Kundalini Yoga?  I have not tried Kundalini yoga. I have only done Vinyasa and hot yoga (definitely prefer Vinyasa to hot yoga). But maybe soon I will try Kundalini Yoga online…  🙂



Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Eat less meat.



Anything else you’d like us to know?: I started DartFrog to build a bridge between bookstores and independently published authors around the world, for whom bookstore placement is often nearly impossible.We began by simply evaluating self-published books, looking for the gems. When we had a few, we approached bookstores about carrying those books. It took some time, but eventually, we partnered with one store, and then two, and now 75, into which we place our selection of independently published books every quarter. This led to an exclusive agreement with BookClubz.com to select 3 independent titles per month for promotion to their 10,000+ book clubs around the world. We now have three publishing labels: DartFrog Blue (traditional), DartFrog Plus (hybrid) and Canoe Tree Press (self-publishing), as well as a full team of editors, designers and formatters. Through all of it, our goal is to help authors produce the best book possible and gain the most wide reaching, mainstream exposure possible. If you are interested in hearing more, we’d love to talk with you! You can message me at gordon@dartfrogbooks.com.


And for those who are curious, the “dart frog” is a small but very powerful amphibian that lives – and has learned to thrive in – the Amazon rainforest. The mission of our company is to help authors and bookstores thrive in an environment dominated by Amazon, so my wife came up with the idea of calling the company “DartFrog.”