Irini Michopoulou

1. Name: Irini Michopoulou

2. Lives in: Athens (between Exarchia and Kolonaki), Greece

3. From: Patras, Greece

4. Occupation: Professional Photographer, D.J, Social Media Manager, Photography Professor,   Handmade Jewelry Maker.

5. First three jobs (ever!): Ohh…wayyy back..first an aerobics teacher, then a bar woman and then a book seller.

6. Zodiac: Libra

7. Enneagram type:  to be determined…

8. What do you love about Greece and Athens? Greece is a magical place to be ..You can have it all- blue skies, a clear sea, mountains, nature…Athens on the other hand… to tell you the truth many times i have left short term to go abroad but somehow I always return to Athens. It has some special energy I guess and so many things to do. I love that you can go swimming, that you can go out for a drink any time you like..and I love the weather.

9. Tell us something most people don’t know about you: Mmm…I have many.  🙂 I have been a television actress. I studied to be a dancer. I was on a swimming team. i lived in Singapore for 3 months. I got my first tattoo when I was 16. I was a rockabilly, extreme-looking girl but first student in my class. 😀

10. Where are we most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? Monday Yoga at Ayurveda.

11. When did you try Kundalini Yoga for the first time? With Lynn a few months ago, and I’m very happy about it!

12. Anything else? I’m a vegetarian, I love animals,  I have the first reiki degree, I’m very sensitive and open so even the yoga,the mediation and all that i can get really stressed.


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