Joselyn Suarez

1) Name: Joselyn Suarez (Jos)


2) Lives in: Weehawken, New Jersey, USA


3) From: I was born in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic



4) Occupation: Office Manager  at MetLife Marketing Team


5) First three jobs (ever!): First I was a  Burger King Cashier, then a Youth Summer Camp Counselor  and third a Database/Recordkeeping at a New York Hospital



6) Zodiac sign: Aries


7) Enneagram Type: Enthusiast , Type 7


8) What you love about Greece: Before visiting Greece, I loved learning about its rich ancient history and ultra fascinating classic mythology. Now that I’ve visited Athens and a couple of the islands, I’ve learned to love 1) the food and how’s prepared – incredibly delicious and super healthy. There’s high attention to detail and presentation everywhere you go 2) the calm beaches and the beautiful color of the water 3) the people and how friendly, helpful and hospitable they can be.



9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I enjoy visiting churches and cathedrals – especially in big cities. There’s something magical about the contrast between their massive and intricate structures and the simplicity and sense of tranquility that one can instantly experience when walking in.


10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: I was at the  Ikaria Surf+ Yoga holiday, and I hope to be at upcoming Greek island yoga holidays!



11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga: Armenistis Beach, Ikaria with Lynn’s Kundalini + Surf Holiday – June 2019


12) Give us your top tip to combat climate change!: Consume less, waste less and share, make, fix or repurpose whenever possible.


13) Anything else you’d like us to know? Ultimately, I would like to write for a living and when that time comes, I look forward to visiting Greece again and again in search of new perspective and inspiration.


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