Ken Wallace

1) Name: Ken Wallace

2) Lives in: I’m currently traveling indefinitely, but my home for the last 23 years was San Francisco, California

3) From: Alameda, California USA

4) Occupation/employer: Before leaving my job to travel, I was in sales in the Interior Design Industry

5) First three jobs (ever!): I was a paperboy starting at 10 years old, then I mowed lawns for the neighbors, and then I was a dishwasher at a seafood restaurant. These were before I turned 16.

6) Zodiac sign: Capricorn

7) Enneagram Type: Peacemaker/Mediator Type 9

8) What you love about Greece? I really love the food, the natural beauty of the landscape and the welcoming nature of the people

9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I love languages and speak both German and Portuguese with a fairly high level of fluency. I also love to work with my hands and love to knit, make pottery and garden.

10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?
At the Paros Yoga retreat

11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga?
I’ve practiced varying forms of yoga since the mid 90s but only took my first Kundalini class with Lynn in September 2016 in Paros. I continued with Kundalini Yoga when I returned to San Francisco.

12) Anything else you’d like us to know?
I recently made a big life change. I felt I reached the pinnacle of my career during the last several years at my job, I owned property in San Francisco, and I was making a great salary. However, with each passing year, I was feeling more and more dissatisfied with my life and city, especially the consumer culture that is so rampant in the US. So in September 2017 I left my job of almost 20 years, rented out my house and took off to backpack the world, hike and visit beautiful places, meet interesting people and try to figure out what’s next for me.

After 12 months exploring US National Parks, South America and Europe, I am still not yet sure what’s next, but it will be some combination of Social Business, encouraging Sustainable Lifestyles or Teaching (or some combination thereof). If this feeling speaks to anyone else or you are looking to collaborate, please let me know 😉. In the meantime the journey is amazing.

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Get your guide to the 9 Enneagram types with a different Kundalini Yoga meditation for each type. These meditations are designed to relax your habit of attention and build self awareness - starting in as little as 3 minutes a day.