Linda Gambill

1) Name:  Linda Gambill

2) Lives in: Vermont, USA–I just moved from the north of Seattle, Washington (West Coast USA) to Vermont (East Coast USA) in June 2017.
3) From:  Kansas City, Missouri in the United States.
4) Job:  Retired from “conventional work” – but I am an artist for life 🙂
5) First three jobs ever!   First, as a receptionist at YWCA, while I was still in high school, then as a children’s shoe retail sales person and then as an operating room surgical technician, passing instruments to surgeons.
6) Zodiac Sign:  Libra (and I am a total Libra)
7) Enneagram Number:  Enneagram Type 7, the Adventurer
8) What do you love about Greece?  The thing about Greece that frequently emotionally moves me is her deep, long history..
9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you.  I have a terrible time with heights, but frequently dream about flying a helicopter
10) Where are we most likely to find you in the Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga community?  Paros Island Yoga holiday!
11) When did you first try Kundalini Yoga?  My first Kundalini Yoga class was in Paros this summer on the Paros Island Kundalini Yoga holiday – It really stretched me physically and emotionally.
12) Anything else you would like us to know?
I’ve become a fan of the Enneagam!  One of the significant benefits I’ve gained in learnng Enneagram types is that it has helped reduce my frustration when faced with challenged communication.   I find this helps me be more patient in relationships. The pairing of Kundalini yoga  with its inner-self focus, with the philosophies of the Enneagram system, seems quite energetically brilliant. As I increase the amount of time I invest in self-care, the easier and more productive my interactions with others seem to flow. No downsides there!

Download Your Free Ebook “3-Minute Meditations for Each Enneagram Type"

Get your guide to the 9 Enneagram types with a different Kundalini Yoga meditation for each type. These meditations are designed to relax your habit of attention and build self awareness - starting in as little as 3 minutes a day.