Philip Maris

1) Name: Philip Maris


2) Lives in: Filothei, Athens, Greece


3) From: Marousi, Athens, Greece


4) Job: Owner of Exploroloco, an adventure tourism company. We organize excursions and trips all around Greece and beyond with outdoor activities and fresh ideas. Our excursions range from one day trips and for longer holidays. We’ve gone as a far as Norway for the Northern Lights, to Morocco and even to the Arctic!


5) First 3 jobs (ever!): I had several bar tending jobs at different restaurants when I was a student at Patras University. My first professional job was as an insurance advisor.

6) Zodiac sign: Pieces

7) What do you love about Greece? I love the hospitality of the Greek people, and the unique nature of my country. I love Greece’s nature because we have beautiful forests, places that are a mix between Greek’s culture and its natural beauty.

8) Tell us something most people don’t know about you? Most of the People don’t know that l started my adventure company Exploroloco as a way to get over my fears and to test my personal limits. For example, I’ve had to jump out of an airplane, climb the tallest mountain, survive in sub 20 degree C weather and so on.  It is a way for me to see how far I can go..  🙂

9) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga?  I tried Kundalini Yoga at Bounty boat in the summer of 2018 at a night cruise

10) Anything else we should know? I love exploring and trying new things. I want to see the world and photograph every opportunity..  🙂 My personal belief is that ignorance is the greatest fear. You can’t really fear something if you haven’t experience it..So to face your fears and get past them, you need to go have experiences!



If you want to meet Philip in person, join us on our Wellness+ Yoga Weekend on an Organic Farm Dec 1-2! He’s our host.  🙂