Lyndi Henderson

1)  Name: Lyndi Henderson

2)  Lives in: Halandri, Athens

3)  From: Michigan, USA

4)  Occupation/employer: Middle School Teacher

5)  First three jobs (ever!): newspaper route, babysitter, waitress

6) Zodiac sign: cusp of Aries and Taurus

7) Enneagram Type: Type 1, the Perfectionist/Reformer

8) What you love about Athens or Greece in general?  cool cultural opportunities and great weather!

9)  Something most people don’t know about you: I am half Maltese and left-handed, I speak Spanish

10)  Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?   Rooftop yoga and Enneagram parties

11)  First time you tried Kundalini Yoga (where/when/with whom)? Bhavana Yoga Center in March of 2015 after recovering from pneumonia!

1)  Name: Sandie Staikou

2)  Lives in: Korydallos, West side of Athens, for the past 4 years.  Before that I was living in Egypt.

3)  From: Bayswater, West London, England

4)  Occupation/employer: I have been working in the healing field for nearly a quarter of a century (trained in Anatomy & Physiology and Aroma-therapy way back in 1998). Even after all this time, I would still say that, I feel I have the best job ever. 🙂  My joke is when my clients say “thank you” after the massage and I tell them that I enjoyed the massage as much as they did.

5)  First three jobs (ever!): I was a tourist company representative and in that position I first came to Greece to work in 1977. Then when I came to live in Greece permanently, I opened my own tourist companies. The Portoheli Tourist Office and Staikos Tours and Rent a Car, With branches in Athens and Nafplion that I closed in 1998 after 18 years. I also had an Estate office where many foreign people bought property in the Argolida area.

6) Zodiac sign: I am a Capricorn with all the associated mental logic and organizing abilities…ascending star sign of Sagittarius which allows my adventurous and travel lust side to come forward.   🙂

7)  Enneagram Type:  I’m definitely an Enneagram Type 2.

8) What you love about Athens or Greece in general?  I love everything about Greece. Every corner one turns there is beauty. Athens thrills me, from the aspect of its history, its hospitality, its social scene, its vibrancy, its particular way and style of living. I have also lived in a village a considerable amount of years and this type of living is charming and most pleasant also, but very different.

9)  Tell us something most people don’t know about you.  I’m a totally “open book”.  Because I’m a happy and friendly person, if someone wants to know something about me, it doesn’t take long  to find out.

10)  Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga: I have long wished to join Lynn’s yoga on the roof top with the majestic Acropolis watching me but it hasn’t happened yet! I am most likely to be found however, nibbling finger foods and drinking wine following an enneagram evening.

11)  Anything else you’d like us to know?  I’m very excited right now, as I just launched a massage offering I have developed called Siyanda. The method uses a fusion of ancient methods and philosophies and offers the client/receiver a relaxing, yet deep massage and allows release on a physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual level.  You can learn more here ( or message me at or call 69-38649482.