Vanessa Vaia Malliora

1) Name: Vanessa Vaia Malliora


2) Lives in: Kifisia, Athens and Milan, Italy


3) From: I was born in Larisa, Greece


4) Occupation: Fashion Wholesaler and Freelance Designer. I’m also going to start my BA degree in Holistic Nutrition this winter as I am already in the field of raw veganism and fasting.


5) First three jobs (ever!): I have always worked in the fashion industry…


6) Zodiac sign: Aquarius



7) Enneagram Type: Type 1 (Reformer/ Perfectionist)



8) What you love about Greece?: I am in love with Cyclades islands (especially Mykonos and Santorini) and the unique cycladic architecture, minimal aesthetics, exceptional beaches and alluring landscapes that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.



9) Tell us something most people don’t know about you: My future goal is to help people overcome food addictions but also heal people with autoimmune diseases with a holistic approach though diet and fasting (mono-fruit, juice and dry fasting). Recently I became a certified pranic healer(basic), and I hope to raise my level of knowledge and experience though the years. I am also a huge fan of cryptocurrencies, and I became an investor last year .


10) Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? On the Acropolis Rooftop every week mostly for the extended Kundalini Yoga  sessions and Full Moon sessions. And I’ll be on the boat cruise this Sunday!



11) First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? The first time I ever tried Kundalini Yoga was with the most amazing instructor Lynn Roulo on Acropolis Roof Deck . 🙂


12) Top tip to help combat climate crisis? Undoubtedly going vegan is the most impactful thing an individual can do to combat climate change .


13) Anything else you’d like us to know? I am 25 years old, and I moved to Milan when I was 18 to study Fashion and Design in Istituto Marangoni and Istituto di moda Burgo  The thing I love the most in the world is art, particularly contemporary art. The best decision I have made in my life was going vegan in 2016 and full raw vegan in 2018 . 🙂

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