Helery Homutov

Name: Helery Homutov


Lives in: Kuressaare, Estonia


From: I was born and grew up in the biggest island in Estonia. It’s called Saaremaa.


What is your occupation? 2020 brought me a step closer to my dream, and I am very proud to say that I am currently co-founder of a start-up called Playground which is a playful accountability platform that helps you move faster towards the work you love.
Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): My first job was working as a kid for my dad (he had several food shops in the town I grew up in). During high school, I worked in supermarkets during the weekend as a product presenter and offering food or drink samples for the clients. And as my third job, I worked one summer as a waitress in a pizza restaurant.


Zodiac Sign: Aquarius


Enneagram Type: Perfectionist/Reformer Type 1


What do you love about Greece?  I like that my older sister has lived there with her Greek husband for more than 15 years. During that time they have shown me the beautiful Greek nature, views, amazing islands, small mountain villages and of course we have been trying all kinds of local Greek food. We have celebrated Greek holidays together, and I love that I have been able to have a very authentic experience. We have created amazing memories together in Greece.


Tell us something most people don’t know about you:  I will tell you three things!
1) I have studied tourism and hospitality in Thailand
2) I can speak Spanish
3) For two years, I have been the organizer for a language exchange event in Sevilla.



Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? I started to follow via Lynn’s yoga classes via YouTube last summer, and I was so happy to see her “live” over Christmas and New Years Eve 2019 when I joined her yoga classes in the Salt Cave and her rooftop. Now I am following her videos. Next time I’m in Greece, I’ll be on a roof deck yoga class for sure!


First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? Summer of 2019 in my home, following Lynn’s videos on YouTube.


Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: I really like that part of Valencia I work in offers very good solutions for recycling.



Anything else you’d like us to know?: There are about 7,5 billion people in the world and I am very thankful & happy that 2020 brought me together with a like-minded person from Lynn’s Community.
And I’d like to invite you to check out Playground!

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