Paros 2020-follow up

On this page, I summarize the Kundalini Yoga sets, the wellness topics and some recipes from our August 2020 Paros Yoga+Enneagram holiday.  Enjoy!

Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations

Day One:

Kriya for Morning Sadhana
Meditation for Gratitude
Sat Kriya


Day Two:

Kriya for Elevation
Heart’s Delight
Meditation to Create Self-Love
Ra Ma Da Sa music by Shu (deep relaxation)
Ra Ma Da Sa by Snatam Kaur


Day Three:

Kriya to Release Anger
Meditation to Burn Out Anger
Meditation to Conquer Inner Anger and  Burn It  Out


Day Four:

Kriya to Release Fear and Anxiety
Meditation to Remove Fear of the Future


Day Five:

Kriya to Open the Heart
Kriya to Balance Prana and Apana
Meditation for Self Healing (start at minute 50 in the video)


Day Six:

Kriya for Disease Resistance
Beaming and Creating Your Future


Day Seven:

Kriya to Remove Negativity
Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart




High Fiber Food List
The Three Featured Fiber Sources
Prebiotics, Probiotics and Your Microbiome: What They Are and Why They Matter.
Where’s the Fructose?
I Started a Functional Medicine Program Three Months Ago: Here’s What I’ve Learned…



Sweet and Salty Breakfast Granola
Peanut Butter, Oat, Banana Smoothie (you can substitute buckwheat flakes or quinoa flakes for oat)
Healthy Coconut Candy (you can leave out the chocolate)
Tahini Fudge (you can substitute coconut oil for butter)
Quinoa Crispies
Coconut Cream Fudge with Endless Variations
Coconut Oil Chocolate