
What Homeless Shelters and Refugee Camps Have Taught Me About Seva

As originally published by 3HO. The word “seva” means selfless service, but when I reflect on it, I think I get as much out of my acts of seva as the people I’m serving. Some of my first volunteer positions were in homeless shelters in San Francisco, and today I volunteer to support the refugee […]

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Connecting the Dots | Lynn Roulo

Connecting the Dots: How I Went from Being a San Francisco CFO to an Athens Yoga Instructor

This is a series describing, dot by dot, how I went from being a San Francisco CFO to an Athens Yoga Instructor.  You can read individual installments below or scroll down for the entire series.   1.0-1.1:  My Boyfriend Walked Out and My Teacher Walked In (Sept 2007) 1.1-1.2: White Tantric Yoga (March 2008) 1.2-1.3:

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Enneagram Compatibility in Relationships–What Types Go Well Together

Enneagram Compatibility: The Theory After people learn their own Enneagram type, the next question I invariably get asked is “what types go well together?” or “who should I be with?” Everyone wants to know. The answer is that all type combinations can be happy together if both partners have high levels of self-awareness. And the

Enneagram Compatibility in Relationships–What Types Go Well Together Read More »